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Tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment

update date :2023-07-25 04:51:08Number of views: author:锦强矿山设备

Tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment

Tungsten tin ore is an important metal ore with extensive applications in industrial production. However, the mining and utilization process of tungsten tin ore requires multiple processes, among which gravity separation is a very important step. This article will introduce the relevant knowledge and operating steps of tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment.

1、 Classification of tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment

The tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment is mainly divided into several types, such as heavy medium separator, flotation machine, magnetic separator, and electric separator.

1. Heavy medium sorting machine

The 钨锡矿重选设备 heavy medium sorting machine is a device that uses heavy medium as the sorting medium and can divide the ore into three parts: heavy, medium, and light. The sorting effect of the heavy medium sorting machine is good, but it requires a large amount of heavy medium consumption and high cost.

2. Flotation machine

A flotation machine is a device that uses bubbles as the separation medium, which can separate useful minerals from waste rocks in ores. The flotation machine has good sorting performance, but its adaptability to ores is poor, and adjustments need to be made for different ores.

3. Magnetic separator

A magnetic separator is a device that uses a magnetic field as the sorting medium, which can separate magnetic minerals from non magnetic minerals in ores. The magnetic separator has good sorting performance, but has poor adaptability to ores and can only handle magnetic minerals.

4. Electric separator

An electric separator is a device that uses an electric field as the sorting medium, which can separate useful minerals from waste rocks in ores. The sorting effect of the electric separator is good, but it requires a large amount of electrical energy and has a high cost.

2、 Operating steps of tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment

1. Sampling

Firstly, it is necessary to sample the tungsten tin ore to determine its grade and mineral composition.

2. Crushing

Crush the collected ore to a size suitable for subsequent processing.

3. Screening

Screen the crushed ore to remove impurities and powder.

4. Heavy medium sorting

For ores that require the use of a heavy medium separator, they are placed in the heavy medium for sorting.

5. Flotation

For ore that requires a flotation machine, it is placed in a flotation cell and useful minerals are separated from waste rocks through the action of bubbles.

6. Magnetic separation

For ores that require the use of a magnetic separator, they are placed in a magnetic separator and separated from non magnetic minerals through the action of a magnetic field.

7. Electrical selection

For ores that require the use of an electric separator, place them in the separator and separate useful minerals from waste rocks through the action of an electric field.

8. Re screening

Sieve the sorted ore again to remove impurities and powder.

9. Drying

Dry the screened ore to make it suitable for subsequent processing.

3、 Conclusion

The tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment is a very important part of the mining and utilization process of tungsten tin ore. According to different ore characteristics, different types of gravity separation equipment need to be selected for processing. During the operation process, it is necessary to strictly follow the operating steps to ensure the sorting effect and product quality.

钨锡矿重选设备 Tungsten tin ore gravity separation equipment
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