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Heavy beneficiation method for tungsten ore

update date :2023-07-25 05:05:19Number of views: author:锦强矿业装备

Heavy beneficiation method for tungsten ore

Tungsten ore is an important metal ore widely used in fields such as metallurgy, machinery, and electronics. In the mining process of tungsten ore, heavy beneficiation is a crucial step. This article will introduce several commonly used tungsten ore heavy beneficiation methods and provide a detailed explanation of their operating steps.

1、 The significance of heavy mineral processing

钨矿重选矿方法 heavy beneficiation refers to the process of physical or chemical treatment of ore to improve its grade and recovery rate. In the mining process of tungsten ore, heavy beneficiation is a crucial step. Through heavy beneficiation, impurities in tungsten ore can be removed, and the grade and recovery rate of tungsten ore can be improved, thereby improving the economic benefits of tungsten ore.

2、 Commonly Used Gravity Separation Methods

钨矿重选矿方法1. Gravity beneficiation method

Gravity beneficiation is a method of separating ores by using different specific gravity and density differences. In tungsten ore gravity beneficiation, commonly used equipment includes gravity concentrators, spiral concentrators, centrifugal concentrators, etc.

Operating steps:

钨矿重选矿方法 (1) The tungsten ore is subjected to pre-treatment such as crushing and grinding to evenly distribute on the concentrator.

(2) Start the concentrator and adjust the slope and water flow speed to form different layers of ore on the concentrator, thus achieving separation.

(3) According to the sorting results, the separated tungsten ore and waste rock will be collected separately.

2. Flotation method

The flotation method utilizes the interaction between minerals and bubbles to float mineral particles under the action of bubbles, thereby achieving separation. In tungsten ore flotation, commonly used equipment includes flotation machines, air flotation concentrators, etc.

Operating steps:

(1) The tungsten ore is subjected to pre-treatment such as crushing and grinding to evenly distribute on the flotation machine.

(2) Adding reagents to the flotation machine causes physical or chemical reactions between the reagents and the mineral surface, resulting in the formation of bubbles on the mineral surface.

(3) Start the flotation machine and adjust the size of bubbles and airflow speed to float mineral particles under the action of bubbles, thus achieving separation.

(4) According to the sorting results, the separated tungsten ore and waste rock will be collected separately.

3. Magnetic separation method

Magnetic separation is a method that utilizes the interaction between minerals and magnetic materials to achieve separation through the action of a magnetic field. In tungsten ore magnetic separation, commonly used equipment includes magnetic separators, high gradient magnetic separators, etc.

Operating steps:

钨矿重选矿方法 (1) The tungsten ore is subjected to pre-treatment such as crushing and grinding to evenly distribute on the magnetic separator.

(2) Turn on the magnetic separator and adjust the magnetic field strength and ore flow rate to achieve mineral separation under the action of the magnetic field.

(3) According to the sorting results, the separated tungsten ore and waste rock will be collected separately.

3、 Summary

Heavy beneficiation of tungsten ore is a crucial step in the process of tungsten mining. This article introduces several commonly used tungsten ore heavy beneficiation methods and provides a detailed explanation of their operating steps. Different gravity separation methods are suitable for different tungsten ores, and the specific selection of which method needs to be comprehensively analyzed based on the actual situation. By selecting a reasonable heavy beneficiation method, the grade and recovery rate of tungsten ore can be improved, thereby maximizing economic benefits.

Heavy beneficiation method for tungsten ore
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