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Titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment

update date :2023-07-25 05:05:41Number of views: author:锦强矿山机械

Titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment

Titanium ore dressing equipment is a type of equipment used for titanium ore dressing, which can remove impurities from titanium ore and improve the grade of titanium ore. In the production of titanium ore, titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment is a very important part, which can effectively improve the grade of titanium ore and thus enhance the economic value of titanium ore. This article will introduce the operating steps and usage precautions of titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment.

1、 Operation steps of titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment

1. Preparation work

Before using titanium ore gravity separation equipment, some preparation work needs to be done. Firstly, it is necessary to inspect the equipment to ensure that it is in normal condition. Secondly, it is necessary to prepare titanium ore sand and related auxiliary equipment, such as conveyor belts, vibrating screens, etc.

2. Feed titanium ore sand into the equipment

钛矿砂重选设备 The titanium ore sand is fed into the titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment through a conveyor belt. Before feeding titanium ore sand, it is necessary to screen it and remove larger stones to avoid affecting the normal operation of the equipment.

3. Adjust device parameters

According to the characteristics and production requirements of titanium ore sand, adjust the parameters of titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment. It mainly includes parameters such as equipment amplitude, vibration frequency, inclination angle, etc. After adjusting the parameters, the operation of the equipment can begin.

4. Start equipment operation

Turn on the power supply of the titanium ore dressing equipment and start the operation of the equipment. During the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to the operation of the equipment and promptly handle equipment faults and abnormal situations.

5. Collect titanium ore sand

Through the screening and gravity separation of equipment, impurities in titanium ore sand are removed, improving the grade of titanium ore. Collect the processed titanium ore sand for the next step of production and processing.

2、 Precautions for the use of titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment

钛矿砂重选设备1. Safe operation

When using titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to safe operation. Operators should be familiar with the structure and operating principles of the equipment and strictly follow the operating procedures. During the operation of the equipment, it is not allowed to touch the equipment at will to avoid injury.

2. Regular maintenance

Titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment is a mechanical equipment that requires regular maintenance and upkeep. Regularly inspect the components and lubricating oil of the equipment, replace damaged components and lubricating oil in a timely manner, and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

3. Pay attention to environmental protection

When using titanium ore gravity separation equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to environmental protection. Titanium ore dressing equipment can generate certain dust and noise, and corresponding measures need to be taken to control it. At the same time, the wastewater and waste residue generated during the use of the equipment also need to be properly treated to avoid pollution to the environment.

In summary, titanium ore gravity separation equipment plays a very important role in the production of titanium ore. During the use of equipment, attention should be paid to safety operations, regular maintenance, and environmental protection. Only in this way can we ensure the quality and production efficiency of titanium ore, and make contributions to the development of the titanium ore industry.

钛矿砂重选设备 Titanium ore sand gravity separation equipment
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