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Gravity Separation Technology of Seashore Sand Zirconium Mine

update date :2023-07-25 05:06:52Number of views: author:锦强机械

Gravity Separation Technology of Seashore Sand Zirconium Mine

With the increasing demand for zirconium ore, the importance of beach sand zirconium ore is becoming increasingly prominent. However, due to the unique properties of beach sand zirconium ore, its extraction and processing have always been a challenge for the industry. In this situation, the gravity separation technology for beach sand zirconium ore emerged. This article will introduce the relevant knowledge and operational steps of the gravity separation technology for beach sand zirconium ore.

1、 Characteristics of Seashore Sand Zirconium Mine

Beach sand zirconium ore refers to the zirconium mineral found in coastal beaches, which has the characteristics of wide distribution, large reserves, and high zirconium content. However, the extraction and processing of beach sand zirconium ore are very difficult, mainly due to the following reasons:

海滨沙锆矿重选技术1. The particles of beach sand zirconium ore are small, usually between 0.1 and 0.5mm, making it difficult to separate.

2. Seashore sand zirconium ore often contains some difficult to separate impurities, such as iron, titanium, aluminum, etc. The presence of these impurities can affect the quality and extraction efficiency of zirconium ore.

海滨沙锆矿重选技术3. The moisture content of beach sand zirconium ore is relatively high, usually between 10% -15%, which also affects its extraction efficiency.

Introduction to Gravity Separation Technology for Seashore Sand Zirconium Mine

In order to solve the problem of extracting and processing beach sand zirconium ore, people have developed the beach sand zirconium ore gravity separation technology. This technology mainly includes the following steps:

1. Grinding: Crush the beach sand zirconium ore into appropriate particle sizes, usually ranging from 0.1 to 0.5mm.

2. Classification: Use a heavy medium separator to classify the ground ore into different density grades.

3. Gravity separation: A gravity separation machine is used to perform gravity separation on the divided ore, separating the zirconium ore and impurities from it.

4. Cleaning: Clean the re selected zirconium ore to remove impurities and moisture.

5. Drying: Dry the cleaned zirconium ore to reduce its moisture content to between 2% and 3%.

6. Selection: Use an electromagnetic separator to select the dried zirconium ore, so that its zirconium content reaches over 90%.

3、 Advantages of Gravity Separation Technology for Seashore Sand Zirconium Mine

Compared to traditional extraction and processing technologies for beach sand zirconium ore, the beach sand zirconium ore gravity separation technology has the following advantages:

1. The extraction efficiency and quality of zirconium ore have been improved, resulting in a significant increase in the utilization rate of zirconium ore.

2. Reduced production costs, resulting in a significant reduction in the production cost of zirconium ore.

3. Reduced environmental pollution and made the production process more environmentally friendly.

4、 Summary

The emergence of the 海滨沙锆矿重选技术 seaside sand zirconium ore gravity separation technology provides a new choice for the extraction and processing of seaside sand zirconium ore. This technology has the advantages of improving the efficiency and quality of zirconium ore extraction, reducing production costs, and reducing environmental pollution. In future development, the seaside sand zirconium ore gravity separation technology is expected to become one of the mainstream technologies in the zirconium ore industry.

海滨沙锆矿重选技术 Gravity Separation Technology of Seashore Sand Zirconium Mine
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