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Beneficiation technology of tungsten manganese ore

update date :2023-07-25 05:12:52Number of views: author:锦强矿机

Beneficiation technology of tungsten manganese ore

Tungsten manganese ore is an important mineral resource widely used in aviation, aerospace, electronics, metallurgy and other fields. The tungsten manganese ore beneficiation technology is the process of separating useful minerals from impurities in tungsten manganese ore, improving the grade and recovery rate of tungsten manganese ore. This article will introduce the operating steps and precautions of tungsten manganese ore beneficiation technology.

1、 Operation steps of tungsten manganese ore beneficiation technology

1. Ore crushing

Tungsten manganese ore is generally hard and requires crushing before further beneficiation. The crushing methods include mechanical crushing, impact crushing, and grinding. The broken tungsten manganese ore can enter the next beneficiation process.

2. Ore grinding

Grinding is the process of crushing ore into a certain particle size. Grinding methods include dry grinding and wet grinding. Dry grinding is suitable for harder ores, while wet grinding is suitable for softer ores. The ground tungsten manganese ore can enter the next beneficiation process.

3. Ore classification

Ore classification is the classification of tungsten manganese ore after grinding according to its particle size. The classification methods include screening, centrifugal classification, and liquid flow classification. The classified tungsten manganese ore can enter the next beneficiation process.

4. Ore sorting

Ore sorting is the process of separating useful minerals and impurities from classified tungsten manganese ore. The selection methods include gravity separation, flotation, and magnetic separation. The selected tungsten manganese ore can obtain high-grade useful minerals.

5. Concentrate processing

钨锰矿选矿技术 concentrate processing is the further processing of selected tungsten manganese ore to improve its grade and recovery rate. The processing methods include leaching, sintering, and electrolysis.

2、 Precautions for beneficiation technology of tungsten manganese ore

1. Select appropriate beneficiation process according to ore characteristics.

2. Strictly control factors such as water quality, atmosphere, and temperature during the beneficiation process.

3. Reasonably use chemicals, reduce the dosage of chemicals, and reduce environmental pollution.

4. Regular maintenance and upkeep of mineral processing equipment to ensure its normal operation.

5. Treat mineral processing wastewater to meet national discharge standards.

In summary, tungsten manganese ore beneficiation technology is an important mineral resource development technology. During the beneficiation process, attention should be paid to controlling various factors to improve the grade and recovery rate of tungsten manganese ore. I hope this article can be helpful for the learning and application of tungsten manganese ore beneficiation technology.

钨锰矿选矿技术 Beneficiation technology of tungsten manganese ore
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