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Method for gravity separation of tungsten manganese ore

update date :2023-07-25 12:11:16Number of views: author:锦强矿山设备

Method for gravity separation of tungsten manganese ore

Tungsten manganese ore is an important mineral resource with broad application prospects. However, due to the high amount of impurities in its ore, it is difficult to directly utilize it. Therefore, in order to improve the utilization value of tungsten manganese ore, it is necessary to conduct gravity separation. This article will introduce the methods and steps of tungsten manganese ore gravity separation.

Method for gravity separation of tungsten manganese ore

The gravity separation methods of tungsten manganese ore mainly include heavy medium separation, heavy magnetic separation, heavy flotation, etc. Among them, heavy medium separation uses a medium to separate impurities from the ore, heavy magnetic separation uses magnetism to separate magnetic minerals from the ore, and heavy flotation uses flotation agents to separate non-metallic minerals from the ore.

2、 Steps of tungsten manganese ore gravity separation

1. Crushing of ore

First, the tungsten manganese ore needs to be crushed to reach the Granularity suitable for gravity separation. Generally speaking, the Granularity of ore should be below 10mm.

2. Re selection

Heavy medium separation is an important method for separating impurities from ores. In the selection of heavy media, it is necessary to select a suitable medium, mix the ore and medium together, and separate the impurities in the ore through gravity separation. Commonly used media include water, heavy liquid, etc.

钨锰矿重选方法3. Gravity magnetic separation

钨锰矿重选方法 gravity magnetic separation is an important method for separating magnetic minerals from ores. In gravity and magnetic separation, a magnetic separator is required to separate the ore. The working principle of a magnetic separator is to separate the magnetic minerals in the ore by the action of a magnetic field.

4. Refloatation

Heavy flotation is an important method for separating non-metallic minerals from ores. In heavy flotation selection, it is necessary to use flotation agents to combine non-metallic minerals in the ore with flotation agents, and then separate them through the action of bubbles.

3、 Summary

The gravity separation methods of tungsten manganese ore mainly include heavy medium separation, heavy magnetic separation, heavy flotation, etc. In practical applications, it is necessary to choose appropriate gravity separation methods based on the characteristics and requirements of the ore. At the same time, in the process of gravity separation, attention should be paid to factors such as Granularity of ore, selection of medium, use of flotation agent, etc., to ensure the effect of gravity separation and economic benefits.

钨锰矿重选方法钨锰矿重选方法 Method for gravity separation of tungsten manganese ore
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