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Gravity concentration method of Wolframite

update date :2023-07-25 12:16:42Number of views: author:锦强设备

Gravity concentration method of Wolframite

Wolframite is an important tungsten ore, which contains tungsten which can be used to manufacture high-speed steel, alloy steel and other materials. However, the extraction and processing process of Wolframite is very complex, which requires a series of gravity concentration methods to purify it. This article will introduce several commonly used Wolframite gravity concentration methods to help readers better understand the processing process of Wolframite.

1、 Pre processing of re selection

The gravity concentration process of Wolframite is usually divided into three stages: preliminary treatment, roughing and cleaning. Pre processing refers to the preliminary treatment of the raw ore to remove impurities. The commonly used pre-treatment methods include heavy medium separation, gravity magnetic separation, and flotation.

Heavy medium separation is a method of separating by using the difference of medium density. In this method, ores are suspended in water through heavy medium, and the separation is realized by adjusting the medium density according to the density difference of different minerals. Heavy medium separation is suitable for Wolframite containing more iron minerals, which can be effectively removed.

黑钨矿重选方法 gravity magnetic separation is a method of sorting using magnetic differences. In this method, the ore is sorted by a magnetic separator, which separates according to the magnetic differences of different minerals. Gravity magnetic separation is applicable to Wolframite containing more magnetic minerals, such as Magnetite, etc.

Flotation is a method of separating minerals from ores using bubbles. In this method, the ore is fed into a flotation cell, and reagents and bubbles are added. Through the contact between the bubbles and the mineral, the mineral floats up to the liquid surface, forming scum. Flotation is suitable for Wolframite containing more non-metallic minerals, such as quartz, Calcite, etc.

2、 Wolframite roughing

Coarse separation refers to the further separation of pre processed ore to remove impurities and low-grade minerals. The commonly used coarse separation methods include gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation.

Gravity separation is a method of separation by using the difference of medium density. In this method, ores are suspended in water through heavy medium, and the separation is realized by adjusting the medium density according to the density difference of different minerals. Gravity concentration is applicable to Wolframite containing more iron minerals and Chalcopyrite, which can be effectively removed.

Magnetic separation is a method of sorting that utilizes magnetic differences. In this method, the ore is sorted by a magnetic separator, which separates according to the magnetic differences of different minerals. Magnetic separation is applicable to Wolframite containing more magnetic minerals, such as Magnetite, etc.

Flotation is a method of separating minerals from ores using bubbles. In this method, the ore is fed into a flotation cell, and reagents and bubbles are added. Through the contact between the bubbles and the mineral, the mineral floats up to the liquid surface, forming scum. Flotation is suitable for Wolframite containing more non-metallic minerals, such as quartz, Calcite, etc.

黑钨矿重选方法 III. Cleaning of Wolframite

Selection refers to the final separation of rough selected ore to improve the grade of tungsten. The commonly used selection methods include gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation.

Gravity separation is a method of separation by using the difference of medium density. In this method, ores are suspended in water through heavy medium, and the separation is realized by adjusting the medium density according to the density difference of different minerals. Gravity concentration is applicable to Wolframite containing more iron minerals and Chalcopyrite, which can be effectively removed.

Magnetic separation is a method of sorting that utilizes magnetic differences. In this method, the ore is sorted by a magnetic separator, which separates according to the magnetic differences of different minerals. Magnetic separation is applicable to Wolframite containing more magnetic minerals, such as Magnetite, etc.

Flotation is a method of separating minerals from ores using bubbles. In this method, the ore is fed into a flotation cell, and reagents and bubbles are added. Through the contact between the bubbles and the mineral, the mineral floats up to the liquid surface, forming scum. Flotation is suitable for Wolframite containing more non-metallic minerals, such as quartz, Calcite, etc.

4、 Summary

The impurities and low-grade minerals in Wolframite can be removed and the grade of tungsten can be improved through the gravity concentration method of three stages of pretreatment, roughing and cleaning. In actual production, appropriate gravity separation methods should be selected based on the characteristics and production needs of the ore to achieve the best separation effect.

黑钨矿重选方法 Gravity concentration method of Wolframite
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