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Selection of seaside quartz sand test

update date :2023-07-25 12:23:40Number of views: author:锦强矿业设备

Selection of seaside quartz sand test

Beach quartz sand is a common building material with high hardness, strong toughness, wear resistance, and high compressive strength, which is widely used in construction projects. However, due to the wide distribution of seaside quartz sand production areas and uneven quality, it is necessary to conduct tests when purchasing to ensure that its quality meets the requirements.

This article will introduce how to conduct beach quartz sand selection experiments to ensure that qualified beach quartz sand is purchased.

Preparation before the experiment

1. Choose seaside quartz sand

Before conducting the experiment, it is necessary to purchase beach quartz sand that meets the requirements. When choosing, the following points should be noted:

(1) Choose reputable suppliers to ensure the quality of quartz sand;

(2) Check the appearance of quartz sand, and there should be no obvious impurities, cracks, and other defects;

(3) Check the particle shape and size of quartz sand, which should meet the requirements.

2. Test equipment

Some testing equipment, including sievers, scales, containers, etc., is required for conducting the beach quartz sand selection experiment.

2、 Test steps

1. Screening test

Screen the selected seaside quartz sand through a sieve to detect its particle size distribution. The steps of the screening test are as follows:

(1) Place the sieve on a balance and record the weight of the sieve;

(2) Pour the seaside quartz sand into a sieve;

(3) Place the screening device on the vibrator for vibration to evenly distribute the quartz sand;

(4) Remove the sieve, weigh the quartz sand in each sieve hole, and record the weight of the quartz sand in each sieve hole;

(5) Calculate the mass percentage of quartz sand in each sieve opening.

2. Density test

The density test is a test to detect the density of quartz sand in coastal areas. The steps for density testing are as follows:

(1) Pour the selected seaside quartz sand into a container;

选海滨石英砂试验 (2) Place the container on a balance and record the weight of the container;

(3) Submerge the quartz sand in the container with water and record the weight of the container after adding water;

(4) Calculate the density of quartz sand.

3. Water absorption test

The water absorption test is a test to detect the water absorption rate of quartz sand in the seaside. The steps for water absorption test are as follows:

(1) Place the selected seaside quartz sand in a dry container;

(2) Record the weight of quartz sand in the container;

选海滨石英砂试验 (3) Soak the quartz sand in the container in water for 24 hours;

(4) Take out the quartz sand, dry its surface with a paper towel, and record the weight of the quartz sand;

(5) Calculate the water absorption of quartz sand.

3、 Analysis of test results

Through screening tests, density tests, and water absorption tests, parameters such as particle size, density, and water absorption of beach quartz sand can be obtained. Based on these parameters, the selected seaside quartz sand can be evaluated to determine whether it meets the requirements.

4、 Conclusion

Choosing and purchasing seaside quartz sand is an important task that requires testing to ensure its quality meets the requirements. This article introduces the steps and analysis methods of selecting quartz sand from the seaside, hoping to be helpful to readers.

选海滨石英砂试验 Selection of seaside quartz sand test
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