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update date :2023-07-26 15:41:28Number of views: author:huang
Transfer point spiral chute supply 1. Introduction: The fiberglass spiral chute integrates the characteristics of spiral chutes, spiral chutes, shakers, and centrifugal concentrators. After being evaluated and approved by relevant scientific research, design, universities, and mining units organized by the Ministry of Metallurgy, it is believed that this type of machine has superior performance, improved sorting indicators, and won the Science and Technology Research Achievement Award of the Ministry of Metallurgy Industry. It has been widely used in non-ferrous and black mining metals. This machine is suitable for separating iron ore, Ilmenite, Chromite, pyrite, zircon ore, Rutile ore, monazite ore, phosphorus, tungsten ore, tin ore, tantalum niobium, niobium ore and other nonferrous metal ores, rare mineral metals or nonferrous metal mineral bodies with density and specific gravity difference from small materials with a Granularity of 0.3-0.02 mm. 2、 Operating principle: The spiral chute concentrator does not need to be restricted from being placed on the cross (or tripod) on the support table. The same mineral mortar is slowly fed onto the surface of the rotating groove through the feeding chute at the end of the installation spiral groove head, and selected for operation. The bottom is equipped with a valve block type equipment to obtain slots, allowing the sorted products to be divided into three (or four) types according to grade along the radial direction. Change the selection width of each device by adjusting the position of the valve block. The product gathering bucket is a concentric circular tube that collects and leads the intercepted multi head ore flow separately. The cross-section of the fiberglass chute and the change in slope of the curve are very suitable for the sorting of fine-grained materials. Transfer Point Spiral Chute Supply III. Advantages and Features 1. Ultra high efficiency, high recycling rate, and precise mineral sorting; 2. Do not use power; 3. Lightweight, rust resistant, wear-resistant, and not easily corroded; 4. Low operating costs and long application life; Strong applicability to fluctuations in ore feed volume, concentration, particle size, and grade; The friction caused by the surface of 6 diamond sand makes the beneficiation effect better than other plastic surfaces. The transfer point spiral chute supply is
. According to the particle size of the ore being processed, the chute can be divided into three categories: (1) Coarse grain chute, with a maximum particle size of 2-3 millimeters or more for ore feeding, and a maximum of 100-200mm. (2) The ore sand chute is used to handle 2-3 millimeter sized ore materials. (3) Slurry chute, feeding Granularity is less than 0.074MM. 5、 Applicable fields The application scope of spiral concentrator is to separate fine grained iron ore, Ilmenite, Chromite, pyrite, tin ore, tantalum niobium ore, placer gold ore, coal mine, monazite ore, Rutile ore, zircon, rare earth ore and other metal and non nonferrous metal minerals with sufficient density and specific gravity difference. Transfer Point Spiral Chute Supply
Transfer Point Spiral Chute Supply