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Tungsten ore equipment

update date :2023-07-25 04:34:49Number of views: author:锦强设备

Tungsten ore equipment

Tungsten ore equipment is a type of equipment used for extracting tungsten ore, which has a wide range of applications in the mining industry. There are various types of tungsten ore equipment, including tungsten ore crushers, tungsten ore beneficiation equipment, tungsten ore flotation equipment, and so on. This article will introduce the types and operating steps of tungsten mining equipment, helping readers better understand the usage methods of tungsten mining equipment.

1、 Types of tungsten mining equipment

1. Tungsten ore crusher

Tungsten ore crusher is a device used to break tungsten ore into smaller particles. It mainly consists of parts such as the inlet, outlet, rotor, and hammer head. When tungsten ore enters the crusher, the hammer head will continuously rotate and strike the ore, causing it to gradually break. The broken tungsten ore can be used for subsequent beneficiation processes.

2. Tungsten ore beneficiation equipment

Tungsten ore beneficiation equipment is a device used to separate broken tungsten ore. It mainly consists of feeding port, discharging port, sieve, and vibrator. When the broken tungsten ore enters the beneficiation equipment, the vibrator will continuously vibrate the sieve to separate tungsten ores of different particle sizes. The tungsten ore after beneficiation can be used for subsequent flotation processes.

3. Tungsten ore flotation equipment

Tungsten ore flotation equipment is a device used to flotation tungsten ore after beneficiation. It mainly consists of inlet, outlet, mixer, bubble generator, and other parts. After the selected tungsten ore enters the flotation equipment, the stirrer will continuously stir the slurry, causing bubbles to come into contact with the ore, thereby causing the tungsten ore to float. The tungsten ore after flotation can be used for subsequent extraction processes.

2、 Operation steps of tungsten mining equipment

1. Operation steps of tungsten ore crusher

(1) Put the tungsten ore into the feeding port.

钨矿设备 (2) Turn on the power supply of the crusher.

(3) Adjust the speed of the crusher and the number of hammer heads, and adjust the crushing particle size of the crusher as needed.

(4) After the crushing is completed, turn off the power supply of the crusher.

钨矿设备2. Operation steps of tungsten ore beneficiation equipment

(1) Put the crushed tungsten ore into the feeding port.

(2) Turn on the power supply of the beneficiation equipment.

(3) Adjust the amplitude and frequency of the vibrator, and adjust the aperture of the sieve as needed.

(4) After the separation is completed, turn off the power supply of the beneficiation equipment.

3. Operation steps of tungsten ore flotation equipment

钨矿设备 (1) Place the tungsten ore after beneficiation into the feed port.

(2) Turn on the power supply of the flotation equipment.

(3) Adjust the speed of the stirrer and the amount of bubbles in the bubble generator, and adjust the flotation effect of the flotation equipment as needed.

(4) After the flotation is completed, turn off the power supply of the flotation equipment.

3、 Summary

Tungsten mining equipment is one of the indispensable equipment in the mining industry. This article introduces the types and operating steps of tungsten mining equipment, hoping to be helpful to readers. When using tungsten mining equipment, it is necessary to pay attention to safety and follow operating procedures to avoid accidents.

钨矿设备 Tungsten ore equipment
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