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Slag Treatment Process of Incineration Power Plant

update date :2023-07-25 04:47:39Number of views: author:锦强选矿设备

Slag Treatment Process of Incineration Power Plant

With the continuous acceleration of urbanization, garbage disposal has become an urgent problem to be solved. In the process of garbage disposal, Incineration power plant is a common treatment method. However, it is also a difficult problem for Incineration power plants to treat the slag generated by garbage. This paper will introduce the slag treatment process of Incineration power plant.

1、 Composition of slag

Slag refers to the solid waste generated by incineration of garbage in Incineration power plants. The composition of slag is very complex, mainly including inorganic and organic substances. Among them, the main components of inorganic matter are oxides and silicates, while the main components of organic matter are carbohydrates and fatty substances.

2、 Treatment method of slag

The slag produced by Incineration power plant needs to be treated before it can be effectively used. At present, there are several main methods for treating slag:

1. Stacking method

The stacking method is to directly stack the slag on a designated site, and accelerate the solidification and stability of the slag through natural weathering and rainfall. This processing method is simple and feasible, but it requires a large amount of land resources and takes a long processing time.

2. Cement solidification method

The cement solidification method is to mix slag and cement, and react under certain conditions to solidify the slag into cement slag. This treatment method can effectively reduce the toxicity and danger of slag, but it requires a large amount of cement and energy, and the cost is high.

3. Phosphate curing method

The phosphate solidification method involves mixing slag and phosphate, and solidifying the slag into phosphate slag through a reaction. This treatment method can effectively reduce the toxicity and danger of slag, and the cost is relatively low.

4. Heat treatment method

The 垃圾焚烧电厂炉渣处理工艺 heat treatment method is to heat the slag to a certain temperature, causing it to undergo physical and chemical changes, thereby reducing its toxicity and danger. This treatment method requires a large amount of energy, and the temperature and atmosphere need to be controlled during the treatment process, making the operation difficult.

3、 Selection of slag treatment process

Different slag treatment processes have different advantages and disadvantages, and selecting a suitable treatment process requires comprehensive consideration of various factors, such as slag composition, treatment effect, cost, etc. In practical applications, it is necessary to choose appropriate treatment processes based on different situations.

4、 Operating steps of slag treatment process

Regardless of the slag treatment process used, certain operating steps need to be followed. Taking the phosphate solidification method as an example, the operating steps of the slag treatment process are introduced below:

1. Collection and sorting of slag

After the slag is generated, it needs to be collected and sorted in a timely manner for subsequent treatment. The process of collection and sorting requires attention to the protection of slag to avoid secondary pollution of slag.

2. Drying and crushing of slag

The slag needs to be dried and crushed for subsequent mixing and reaction. The drying and crushing process requires temperature and humidity control to avoid secondary pollution of slag.

垃圾焚烧电厂炉渣处理工艺3. Mixing of slag and phosphate

垃圾焚烧电厂炉渣处理工艺 slag and phosphate are mixed in a certain proportion to form phosphate slag. The mixing process requires controlling the mixing ratio and mixing time to ensure uniformity of mixing.

4. Solidification of phosphate slag

The mixed phosphate slag needs to be solidified to achieve a certain strength and stability. The curing process requires controlling temperature and humidity to ensure the quality and effectiveness of curing.

5、 Conclusion

Slag treatment is an important part of waste treatment in Incineration power plants. Choosing a suitable slag treatment process can effectively reduce the toxicity and danger of slag, protect the environment and human health. In practical applications, it is necessary to choose appropriate slag treatment processes based on different situations and follow certain operating steps for treatment.

垃圾焚烧电厂炉渣处理工艺 Slag Treatment Process of Incineration Power Plant
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