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How to treat the slag of Incineration plant

update date :2023-07-25 04:47:49Number of views: author:锦强矿山机械

How to treat the slag of Incineration plant

Incineration plant is a kind of facility for treating urban waste. It can reduce the volume and weight of waste by burning waste at high temperature, while generating energy. However, a large amount of slag will be generated during this process, and if left untreated, it will have a significant impact on the environment. So, how to deal with the slag of Incineration plant?

1. Classification of slag

Firstly, it is necessary to classify the slag and treat it according to its composition and purpose. Generally speaking, slag can be divided into two categories: one is non hazardous waste, which can be used in construction projects such as roadbeds and landfills; The other type is hazardous waste that requires special treatment.

2. Slag treatment technology

For non hazardous waste slag, the following treatment techniques can be used:

(1) Landfill: Placing slag in a designated site can reduce the volume of slag, but attention should be paid to preventing leakage and pollution.

(2) Solidification: Mixing slag with solidified materials such as cement to form solid blocks can reduce the volume of slag while also preventing leakage and pollution.

(3) Reuse: Using slag as raw material to produce building materials such as cement and bricks can achieve resource reuse while also reducing the volume of slag.

For hazardous waste slag, special treatment is required, usually using the following techniques:

(1) Chemical solidification: Mixing slag with solidification agent to form solid blocks can prevent leakage and pollution.

(2) Heat treatment: Heating the slag to a high temperature to turn it into a glassy substance can prevent leakage and pollution.

3. Precautions for slag treatment

During the slag treatment process, the following precautions need to be taken:

(1) Avoiding secondary pollution: In the process of treating slag, it is necessary to avoid secondary pollution and minimize the impact of slag on the environment.

(2) Strictly control emissions: In the process of treating slag, it is necessary to strictly control emissions and minimize the impact on the environment.

(3) Reasonable utilization of resources: In the process of treating slag, it is necessary to make reasonable use of resources and achieve resource reuse as much as possible.

4. Conclusion

垃圾焚烧厂炉渣如何处理 To sum up, the treatment of slag in Incineration plant is a very important link, and scientific methods need to be adopted to reduce the impact of slag on the environment. In the process of treating slag, attention needs to be paid to avoiding secondary pollution, strict control of emissions, and rational utilization of resources, in order to achieve the resource utilization of slag.

垃圾焚烧厂炉渣如何处理 How to treat the slag of Incineration plant
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