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Tungsten tin selection test

update date :2023-07-25 04:49:42Number of views: author:锦强选矿设备

Tungsten tin selection test

In the field of electronic welding, tungsten tin welding is a common welding method. The advantage of tungsten tin welding is that it does not produce oxides during the welding process, which can effectively avoid oxidation problems during the welding process. The disadvantage of tungsten tin welding is that it requires high temperatures and requires the use of high-temperature welding equipment. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of tungsten tin welding, it is necessary to conduct tungsten tin selection tests.

The tungsten tin selection test is a method used to test the quality of tungsten tin welding. In this test, we will use different tungsten tin welding materials and then test their performance. In this article, we will introduce how to conduct tungsten tin selection tests and evaluate the quality of tungsten tin welding.

Steps of tungsten tin selection test

The steps for selecting tungsten tin test are as follows:

1. Prepare testing equipment

Firstly, it is necessary to prepare testing equipment. These equipment include tungsten tin welding materials, high-temperature welding equipment, welding tools, testing instruments, etc. When selecting equipment, it is important to choose the appropriate one based on actual needs.

2. Prepare the sample

Before conducting the tungsten tin selection test, a sample needs to be prepared. The sample should be similar to the actual welded workpiece. The preparation of the sample should take into account any issues that may arise during the welding process.

选钨锡试验3. Conduct welding

After preparing the sample, welding can begin. During the welding process, the following points should be noted:

(1) Select appropriate welding equipment and tools;

(2) Control the welding temperature to ensure that oxidation issues do not occur during the welding process;

(3) Control welding time to ensure welding quality.

选钨锡试验4. Test welding quality

After completing the welding, it is necessary to test the welding quality. The methods for testing welding quality include:

(1) Appearance inspection: Check whether the appearance of the welding points is smooth, free from cracks, pores, etc;

(2) Tensile testing: Use a tensile testing instrument to test the tensile strength of welded joints;

(3) Shear test: use the shear test instrument to test the Shear strength of the welding point;

(4) Torsion testing: Use a torsion testing instrument to test the torsional strength of welded joints.

Evaluate welding quality

After completing the tungsten tin selection test, it is necessary to evaluate the welding quality. The methods for evaluating welding quality include:

(1) Evaluate the strength of welding points based on test results;

(2) Evaluate the quality of welded joints based on their appearance.


The tungsten tin selection test is a method used to test the quality of tungsten tin welding. When conducting tungsten tin selection tests, it is necessary to prepare testing equipment, specimens, perform welding, and test the welding quality. When evaluating welding quality, the welding quality should be evaluated based on the test results and the appearance of the welding points.

选钨锡试验 Tungsten tin selection test
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