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Perovskite gravity separation test

update date :2023-07-25 04:49:59Number of views: author:锦强设备

Perovskite gravity separation test

Perovskite is an important mineral resource mainly used in the manufacturing of electronic products, solar panels, etc. However, the mining and processing of perovskite also face some problems, one of which is how to improve the grade and recovery rate of perovskite. To address this issue, we conducted a perovskite gravity separation experiment, and this article will introduce the process and results of the experiment.

1、 Test equipment and methods

We selected a commonly used perovskite gravity separation equipment - the spiral separator, for testing. The test process is as follows:

1. After pre-treatment such as crushing and screening, the original ore is sent to a spiral separator for sorting.

2. Adjust the parameters of the spiral sorting machine, including feed rate, water volume, slope, etc., to achieve the best sorting effect.

3. Collect sorted perovskite products and conduct chemical analysis to obtain data such as grade and recovery rate.

2、 Analysis of test results

After multiple experiments, we have come to the following conclusion:

1. The spiral sorting machine has a good gravity separation effect on perovskite, which can effectively improve the grade and recovery rate of perovskite.

When adjusting the parameters of the spiral sorting machine, the feed volume and water volume are important factors that affect the sorting effect. Excessive feeding or insufficient water volume can lead to a decrease in sorting efficiency.

3. The adjustment of slope can affect the speed and effectiveness of sorting. Increasing the slope appropriately can improve the sorting speed, but excessive slope can lead to a decrease in sorting efficiency.

Through experiments, we have successfully improved the grade and recovery rate of perovskite, achieving the expected results.

钙钛矿重选试验 III. Conclusion

The results of the 2钙钛矿重选试验 perovskite gravity separation experiment indicate that the spiral separator is an effective equipment for perovskite gravity separation, which can improve the grade and recovery rate of perovskite. When using a spiral sorting machine, it is necessary to pay attention to adjusting the parameters to achieve the best sorting effect. We believe that the results of this experiment have important reference value for the mining and processing of perovskite.

Keywords: perovskite gravity separation experiment

钙钛矿重选试验 Perovskite gravity separation test
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