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Tungsten ore refining equipment

update date :2023-07-25 04:52:43Number of views: author:锦强矿山机械

Tungsten ore refining equipment

Tungsten ore is an important metal ore, which is a raw material for manufacturing important materials such as high-speed steel, alloy steel, and electrodes. And tungsten ore extraction equipment is an important tool for tungsten ore extraction, which can help us extract pure tungsten metal from tungsten ore.

1、 Types of tungsten ore extraction equipment

There are many types of tungsten ore refining equipment, and according to different usage scenarios and needs, we can choose different equipment for use.

1. Magnetic separator

A magnetic separator is a device that utilizes the specific adsorption of magnetic substances on minerals for sorting. It can separate magnetic minerals from non magnetic minerals, thereby achieving the extraction of tungsten ore.

2. Heavy medium sorting machine

The heavy medium separator is a kind of equipment that uses the difference of medium density for separation. During the sorting process, tungsten ore is mixed with heavy media and separated through a rotary separator to obtain pure tungsten ore.

3. Flotation machine

A flotation machine is a device that utilizes differences in mineral surface properties for sorting. It mixes tungsten ore with reagents to form foam, and then separates tungsten ore from other ores by buoyancy.

2、 Operating steps of tungsten ore extraction equipment

1. Operating steps of magnetic separator

(1) Place tungsten ore into a magnetic separator.

(2) Turn on the power of the magnetic separator and start the device.

(3) Adjust the magnetic field intensity and sorting speed of the magnetic separator to adapt to the characteristics of tungsten ore.

(4) Separate magnetic minerals to obtain pure tungsten ore.

2. Operating Steps of Heavy Medium Sorter

(1) Mix tungsten ore with heavy medium.

钨矿提炼设备 (2) Place the mixture into the heavy medium separator.

(3) Start the equipment and adjust the speed and inclination angle of the rotary separator to adapt to the characteristics of tungsten ore.

(4) Separate pure tungsten ore.

3. Operation steps of flotation machine

钨矿提炼设备 (1) Mix tungsten ore and reagents together.

(2) Place the mixture in the flotation machine.

(3) Start the equipment and adjust the foam height and foam speed of the flotation machine to adapt to the characteristics of tungsten ore.

(4) Separate pure tungsten ore.

3、 Conclusion

Tungsten ore extraction equipment is an indispensable tool in the tungsten ore extraction process, which can help us extract pure tungsten metal from tungsten ore. When selecting tungsten ore extraction equipment, we need to choose appropriate equipment for use according to different usage scenarios and needs. When operating tungsten ore extraction equipment, we need to follow the operating steps of the equipment to ensure the purity and quality of the extracted tungsten ore.

Tungsten ore refining equipment
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